5 Oaks Farm
Underwood, WA
What's New?

Five Oaks Farm has been added to
the National Registry of Historic Places.

National Historic Registry strives to
preserve, maintain and restore
culturally and historically significant
properties across the United States.
Built in 1913, the home, barns and
outbuildings have been identified as  
unique examples of a self-sustaining
homestead and fruit producer in
Skamania County and the Columbia
Gorge region.

We think that's cool and are excited
to share a piece of this history and
magic with you.

5 Oaks Farm aims to preserve the
historic significance of this original
homestead and the beauty of the
land, while providing a fun,
comfortable place for friends and
family to enjoy.
CSA Program

Join us this spring for our
Community Supported
Agriculture program.

We're excited to offer 8-12
weeks of fresh fruits and
veggies as a subscription
program this year!

Subscriptions available now!
Call or email for details.
Our beautiful Columbia Gorge
location is just 4 miles from Hood
River, OR!
Contact us at: 503-706-0354
Welcome to 5 Oaks...
Chefs and speciality!
While we focus on our CSA, we
often have an abundance of
some products and can grow
speciality items for  your dishes.
Drop us a note if your interest ion
being on this list or looking for
something special!